A Study in Perspective

Howard came home excited, the book tucked under his arm against the rain, old canvas binding feeling solid and real against his ribs. Setting it on the small desk beside his narrow bed, he quivered as he reread the title: "The Educated Man's Guide to Out-of-Bodie Experiences." With a smoldering focus, he opened the book and began reading.

He skipped the introduction and the tedious account of the author's travels in the "Near Orient." The older Howard got, the more his body felt like a shackle. He wanted techniques to loosen that bond, not century-old racism. Finally, he found the instructions.

The next day, Howard lit candles, burned incense, and crossed his legs on his bed, the book open in front of him. As instructed, he meditated, repeating a mantra in his head. Time blurred. He opened his eyes on a new perspective and swelled with joy. He could see himself, legs crossed and hands resting on knees, book open in front of him. He could sense things beyond the room.

Incredible! Amazing! Howard felt a flood of relief at the freedom from his body.

Howard realized he couldn't see to read the chapter on getting back into his body.