The Second Best Time Is Now

Grant fired a burst down the corridor and pulled back around the corner for cover. So far, he was holding the rival military firm back. He sent another burst around the corner, and answering fire spanged off the metal corridor around him.

Reloading, his hand brushed the standard-issue grenade on his belt. That would surprise the invaders for sure. Timed right, it would figuratively and literally cripple them, letting Grant's firm mop up with ease. Figuratively. The literal mopping would, hopefully, fall to someone else.

But it had to be the right time. He fired again to keep them back. They had to be bunched up for the best effect. They were too spread out in this corridor, and he'd rather save the grenade for when it could have a real impact. Heh, impact. He fired another burst. He had a good spot here... but if they brought more pressure or flanked him, he might need the grenade for his tactical retreat. Better to hold onto it. Could be more useful later.

A metallic clatter dragged his eyeline to the floor, where a live grenade spun to a stop. Boy, they were going to feel stupid if they needed that—